Calosoma (Callitropa) protractum LeConte, 1862

Calosoma protractum LeConte, 1862: 52 (described from: Arizona) syntype (from California) in Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University, Cambridge, Ma. (
Calosoma dolens Chaudoir, 1869: 376 (type material: 1 ♂ and ♀, ex coll. Sallé, from prés d‘Oaxaca); lectotype ♂ (no locality label) designated by Deuve (1978: 250) in Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris
Calosoma truncatum Géhin, 1885: 64, note 66 (described from Mexico) original material: 1 ♂ depository not stated
Calosoma (Callitropa) protractum Breuning, 1928a: 118
Callitropa (Paratropa) protracta Lapouge, 1932: 385
Callitropa (Carabosoma) protracta dolens Lapouge, 1932: 385
Callitropa (Carabosoma) protracta truncata Lapouge, 1932: 385
Callitropa (s. str.) protractum Jeannel, 1940: 214
Calosoma (Callitropa) protractum Gidaspow, 1959: 275
Calosoma (Callitropa) protracta Erwin, 2007: 102

Length 22-29 mm. C. protractum with C. externum and C. macrum constitute a well characterized group, inside what we consider the subgenus Callitropa. All the species pertaining to this group have elongated shape. They all are winged , and their metaepisterna are longer than wide.
C. protractum is easily recognized because it is entirely black, its elytra are smooth with faintly punctate striae and with few large punctures limited to the basal part.
It is found in Mexico and penetrates in part of the southern United States: Arizona and Colorado. The quote from California, as reported on the label of the syntype, probably originate by some mistake and its presence in Kansas (Burgess & Collins, 1917: 26) is considered very doubtfull by subsequent authors (Gidaspow, 159: 275; Bousquet, 2012: 238).
C. protractum was also one of the species unsuccessfully imported to Hawaii as possible auxiliaries in biological control (Liebherr et al., 2023).

Examined specimens and literature’s data
Mexico. Durango: Nombre de Dios (AMNH), Sierra Nayarit (Jeannel, 1940: 215); Guanajuato (sub dolens, Bates, 1884: 23); Guerrero: El Mogote (, UASM), El Resuello 1100 m (AVT), Amula (Jeannel, 1940: 215); Jalisco: Chiquilistian (GP), Guadalajara (SB), Huejotitán (TL), Tepatitlán de Morelos (; Michoacan: Uruapan (, UASM); Morelos: Cuernavaca (Breuning, 1928a: 120), Jalastoc, Puente de Ixtla, Progreso (Gidaspow, 1959: 275); Nuevo Leon: Monterrey, Villa de Gareis (Gidaspow, 1959: 275); Oaxaca: (lectotype of dolens, MNHN), Capulalpan (sub dolens, Bates, 1884: 23); Puebla (Jeannel, 1940: 215); Queretaro: San Juan del Rio (; Sonora: Huachinera (, UASM)
United States. Arizona: Graham county, Santa Cruz county (,; Colorado (Gidaspow, 1959: 275).

Notes: Winged, mostly nocturnal and attracted to light at night. Lives on midland and upland from 1100 up to 1700m. Active individuals have been found in Summer up to October, according to data of the examined materials.

Calosoma (Callitropa) protractum
LeConte, 1862
Mexico. Guerrero, Hoya Corraleyo, El Resuello, m 1100, 26.X.1969, V. Sbordoni leg. (coll. Vigna Taglianti)
Calosoma (Callitropa) protractum
LeConte, 1862
Mexico. Jalisco, Chiquilistian, 14.8.89 (coll. G. Pontuale)

updated April 18 2024
