Calosoma (Camedula) angulatum Chevrolat, 1834

Calosoma angulatum Chevrolat, 1834: 44 (described from Bocadelmonte, Mexico); holotype ♂ in Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris (Erwin, 1991:26)
Calosoma angulicolle Chaudoir, 1869: 377 (distribution: Nouvelle Grenade et Venezuela); type material: 2♀♀; lectotype ♀ (erroneusly labelled: Chili) designated by Deuve (1978: 250) in Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris [examined]
Carabosoma angulatum Géhin, 1885: XXXII, 64
Carabosoma angulicolle var. uniforme Géhin, 1885: 63 note 64 (described from Mazatlan) original material and depository not stated
Calosoma (Carabosoma) angulatum angulicolle Breuning, 1927b: 103
Camedula (Carabosoma) angulatum Jeannel, 1940: 203
Camedula (Carabosoma) angulicolle Jeannel, 1940: 203
Calosoma (Carabosoma) angulatum angulatum Gidaspow, 1959: 252
Calosoma (Carabosoma) angulatum angulicolle Gidaspow, 1963: 280
Calosoma angulatum Erwin, 1991: 26
Calosoma (Carabosoma) angulatum Erwin, 2007: 86

Length 25-33 mm. C. angulatum is characterized by very angular pronotum and deep striation of elytra. Géhin (1885: XXXII) created the Carabosoma subgenus for it, which Jeannel maintained but included inside of the genus Camedula.
C. angulatum is a scarcely variable species but this did not prevent Jeannel from reevaluating angulicolle from Colombia and Venezuela as a species, which previously Breuning had vice versa considered as subspecies. Later Gidaspow (1959: 252, 1963: 280) returned to considering angulatum and its subspecies angulicolle as conspecific. The differences highlighted to identify angulicolle consist mainly of the relatively less angular and more densely dotted pronotum, as well as the elytra which have deeper striae and slightly more scaly intervals. Finally, Erwin (1991: 26), not finding these characters sufficiently constant in the limited material available from the southern part of the range of C. angulatum, dealt with angulicolle as a synonym.
C. angulatum, so interpreted, is quite common in the coastal states of Mexico, but scarce on the central plateau. Going north it has been found in Arizona and in some border counties of California, Texas and perhaps New Mexico (Bousquet, 2012: 235). It is present in Central America, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras, but going south it seems to become rarer. There are reports of its presence in Colombia and in the island of Curaçao. Recently it has been found also in Venezuela, confirming the old citations of Breuning (1927b: 103) and Gidaspow (1963: 281 fig. 1).

Examined specimens and literature’s data
Colombia. Magdalena: Santa Marta (MNHN), Bonda (AMNH); La Guajira: Nazareth (PNN Macuira) (
Costa Rica. La Caja, San José (Erwin: 1991: 28); Puntarenas: Lepanto, Monteverde (; Guanacaste: Santa Elena (, Santa Rosa (Erwin: 1991: 28), Tronadora, Liberia, Tamarindo (
Curaçao. Lagun: Christoffel Mountain (
El Salvador. Santa Ana: Metapán (
Guatemala. Zacapa: San Jorge (
Honduras. Francisco Morazán: El Zamorano (
Mexico. Aguascalientes: Aguascalientes (; Baja California: Guadalupe Island (Erwin, 2007: 86); Baja California do Sur: Mulegé (; Chiapas: Villa Morelos, Comitan, Junction Highways 190-195 (UASM); Chihuahua (Bates, 1884: 262); Coahuila: La Cascada (; Colima: Tecoman, Colima (UASM), Manzanillo (; Guanajuato: Palo Verde (Bates, 1884: 20), Irapuato (; Guerrero: Ciudad Altamirano (SB), Zihuatanejo de Azueta, Tixtla de Guerrero (; Jalisco: Bahia de Cuastecomate (UASM), Guadalajara, Melaque (SB), Zapopan, Ahualulco de Mercado, Autlan de Navarro, La Huerta, Rancho Vazquez, El Grullo, Chapala (; Mexico FD: La Marquesa (; Michaocan: La Placita (AVT), Tiquicheo (SB), Huetamo (, Nocupétaro (, Tecumba 1700m (SB); Morelos: Tejalpa (UASM), Cuernavaca (JM), Xochitepec, Cuautla (; Nayarit: Ahuacatlan (UASM), La Yesca, Tepic, Puerto Balleto (Isla María Madre) (; Nuevo Leon: Lampazos de Naranjo, General Escobedo, San Pedro Garza García, Monterrey (; Oaxaca: Tehuantepec (Bates, 1884: 20), Juchatengo (UASM), Santiago Astata (www.ebay), P.N. Huatulco (; Puebla: Esperanza (Bates, 1884: 20), Zacapala, Cholula de Rivadabia, Izúcar de Matamoros (; San Luis Potosi: Tamuin (SB), Ciudad Valles, El Naranjo (UASM); Sinaloa: La Noria, Guasave, Mazatlan (UASM), Culiacan, Angostura, Altata ( Sonora: Aconchi, Moctezuma, Alamos, Sierra de Alamos, Mazatlán, Bacanora Nacozari, Tecoripa, (UASM), Yecora (SB), Magdalena de Kino, Huásabas, Navojoa (; Tamaulipas: La Mesa, Rio Sabinas, Magiscatzin, Ciudad Mante, Villa Manuel, Villa de Casas (UASM), Ciudad Victoria, Llera (; Veracruz: Plan del Rio; (Bates, 1884: 20), Boca del Monte (type C. angulatum MNHN), Palma Sola (UASM).
Nicaragua. Granada: Reserva Natural Vocan Mombacho (; León (; Chinandega (; Reserva Ecologica El Bajo (; Carazo (Su et al., 2005: 145)
United States. Arizona: S. Cruz County (EM, SB), Santa Rita Experimental Station, Santa Rita Mountains (, Pima County (, Phoenix, Tucson, Cochise county (; California: Palm Springs, Mojave N.P., Yucca Valley (; New Mexico (Bousquet, 2012: 235), Texas: Cameron County (
Venezuela. Anzoátegui: Anaco (

Notes: Winged, often attracted to light at night. It lives from lowlands up to an altitude of 1800m. Adults feed on lepidopterous caterpillars as well on adults and larvae of beetles and acridids. In Nicaragua they have been reported feeding on the noctuid caterpillar Spatodoptera frugiperda (Erwin, 2007: 86). According to the examined materials, active adults have been observed from May to November with a maximum in July through September.

Calosoma (Camedula) angulatum
Chevrolat, 1834
United States, Arizona: S. Cruz County,
Rio Rico, VII.75 Lenczy leg.
Calosoma (Camedula) angulatum
Chevrolat, 1834
United States, Arizona: S. Cruz County,
Rio Rico, VII.75 Lenczy leg.
Calosoma (Camedula) angulatum
Chevrolat, 1834
Mexico,Morelos, Cuernavaca 23.06.2011
(photo and coll. J. Matějíček)

Calosoma (Camedula) angulatum
Chevrolat, 1834
Nouvelle Grenade ou Venezuela (Chili?)
(type of Calosoma angulicolle Chaudoir, 1869)
(coll. Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris)

updated November 1 2024
