Calosoma (Caminara) imbricatum Klug, 1832

Each elytron of C. imbricatum has 16 intervals, with with only one tertiary interval on each side of a secondary one, following a triploid pattern. This specific elytral sculpture is unique to C. imbricatum among the species of Caminara.
In southwestern Africa, there is an isolated population known as C. imbricatum hottentottum characterized by a slimmer body shape and vibrant metallic coloration. Across the rest of its distribution range, C. imbricatum exhibits minimal differentiation, with only slight variations in size, body shape, or in the prominence of the elytral sculpture. It is, however, possible to distinguish some additional populations, mainly on the basis of biogeographical criteria and only secondarily of morphological traits, since these traits are not always consistent in different individuals.
In the northeastern part of its distribution, including Central Asia and northern China up to Mongolia, there is a population known as deserticola. This population has a larger and more elongated body with less pronounced elytral sculpture. deserticola was initially described as a separate species by Semenov (1897), a classification later supported by Breuning (1927) and Jeannel (1940). However, Mandl (1970: 62) later treated deserticola as a mere subspecies of C. imbricatum, along with other subspecies he described in subsequent years (1953, 1967, 1970).
In our opinion, the additional subspecies described by Mandl are superfluous, since the populations of C. imbricatum, which range widely from the Cape Verde archipelago across the Sahel zone to Arabia, Syria, Iraq, southern Iran and southern Pakistan, do not show significant differences beyond slight variations in size.
However, in the northern part of the Indian Peninsula, There exists another population of relatively large size, with a stouter body and even more flattened elytral sculpture that has been described. as andrewesi and that could potentially also be classified as a subspecies.

Calosoma (Caminara) imbricatum imbricatum Klug, 1832

Calosoma imbricatum Klug, 1832: pl.XI (described from: Cap Vert); lectotype in Museum für Naturkunde, Berlin (Andrewes, 1929: 64)
Caminara arabica Motschulsky, 1865:304 (described from Arabia); type material: 1 ♂, depository not stated
Calosoma (Caminara) imbricatum Breuning, 1927: 221
Caminara (Caminara) imbricata Lapouge, 1932: 410
Caminara (Caminara) imbricata arabica Lapouge, 1932: 410
Caminara imbricatum Jeannel, 1940: 104
Calosoma (Caminara) imbricatum ssp. loeffleri Mandl, 1953: 57 (partim) (type locality: Kerman, Rigmati); holotipe ♂ in Naturhistorisches Museum, Wien, paratipes in Zoologisches Forschungsmuseum Alexander Koenig, Bonn (Ulmen et al. 2010: 10) and in Naturhistorischen Museum Basel [examined]
Calosoma (Caminara) imbricatum loeffleri m. rufoappendiculata Mandl, 1967: 44 (described from Sistan and Baluchistan, Bampour) type material 1 ♂ depository not stated
Calosoma (Caminara) imbricatum linnavuorii Mandl, 1968c: 128 (type locality: Somalia, Hargheissa); holotype ♂ in Zoologischen Museum Helsinki, paratype in Naturhistorischen Museum Basel [examined]
Calosoma (Caminara) imbricatum ssp. linnavouorii Mandl, 1970: 61

Length 15-22 mm. What we consider as the typical populations are the ones with individuals of small or medium size, having finely punctate head and pronotum, elytra in oval widened, and elytral sculpture with scaly intervals. The upper body is black, with faint bluish reflexes.
C. imbricatum imbricatum continuously spreads in most of Africa, excluding the area of equatorial forest, throughout the Sahelian zone, Algeria, Libia, Senegal, Mali, Niger, Chad, to Sudan, Eritrea, Djibuti, Ethiopia, Somalia, Kenya. It is present in Cabo Verde islands but not in the Canary islands and Andrewes' quote (1929: 64) for Tenerife must be considered incorrect (Machado, 1992: 87).
In East Africa it is possible to find single specimens with slightly more wrinkled head and a little stronger elytral sculpture. On this basis Mandl (1968c: 128) described from Somalia the subspecies linnavuorii that he considered intermediate between the typical one and ottenttotum and that would be present throughout the Horn of Africa from Somalia to Kenya. However, the inconsistency of these characteristics does not seem to justify this subspecies.
In Kenya, the situation is more complex. Most of the specimens found in western Kenya can be definitively attributed to C. imbricatum imbricatum. For instance, Breuning (1927: 221) reported the nominate subspecies from the southwest (Taveta, very close to the Tanzanian border). However, Jeannel (1940: 105) cited C. imbricatum hottentottum from Sultan Hamud in Makueni Province, and Mandl (1970: 61) attributed this citation to his C. imbricatum linnavuorii.
Additionally, specimens from Amboseli National Park, not far from Sultan Hamud, various locations in northwestern Kenya, and eastern Tanzania (Karatu) exhibit more pronounced characteristics in terms of sculpture and coloration, closely resembling C. imbricatum hottentottum. These specimens often display more or less evident punctation on the head and pronotum, some bronze reflections on the upper side of the body, and a rougher elytral sculpture compared to C. imbricatum imbricatum.
One might conclude, as Jeannel (1940: 105) first suggested, that C. imbricatum hottentottum is present in western Kenya (Bruschi, 2013: 76) and eastern Tanzania, or one might consider these specimens as simply representing individual variations within C. imbricatum imbricatum.
However, before definitively determining whether these specimens belong to a homogeneous population and what relationships they have with C. imbricatum hottentottum, it remains necessary to explain the presence of typical form specimens in the same region of Kenya and the curious fact that no specimens of C. imbricatum have been found in the vast area between eastern Tanzania and Namibia.
Moving eastward, the roughness of the head and pronotum decreases, and the elytral sculpture tends to flatten. We encounter various populations that have been given different names but can generally be referred to as the typical form, and that are found in the Arabian Peninsula, including Yemen, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Qatar, and Iraq (all of which Mandl considers as C. imbricatum arabicum). They extend into Syria and southern Iran (C. imbricatum loeffleri), reaching as far as Pakistan. The populations in southeastern Pakistan further accentuate these characteristics and may represent a transitional form between C. imbricatum imbricatum and C. imbricatum andrewesi.

Examined specimens and literature’s data
Algeria. Temassinin (Fort Flatters); Tassili n'Ajjer (Mountains Domergue) (Jeannel, 1940: 105), Ouargla (Jeannel, 1940: 54).
Burkina Faso. Gorom-gorom, Essakane (SB)
Cabo Verde (Republic of). Ilha de Boa Vista (SB): 2 km S Sal Rei, Praia da Chave (Aistleitner & Baehr 2016: 53); Ilha Brava (Wollaston, 1867: 6): Nova Sintra, Lem, Covada 420m, Ribeira do Sorno 50m, Santana 490m (Aistleitner & Baehr 2016: 53); Ilha do Fogo (Breuning, 1927: 221): São Filipe (Herbert, 1987: 97); Ilha do Maio (Oromí & al., 2005: 79): Morinho, Punta Morinho, Vila do Maio (Aistleitner & Baehr 2016: 53); Ilha do Sal: airport (RMCA), Espargo (Herbert, 1987: 97), middle east coast 100m, Terra Boa, Murdeira (Aistleitner & Baehr 2016: 53); Ilha de Santo Antão (Breuning, 1927: 221): Cruzinha da Garça, Lagoa, 1250m (Aistleitner & Baehr 2016: 53); Ilha de São Nicolau (RMCA): Ribeira Brava (Aistleitner & Baehr 2016: 53); Ilha de Santiago (Wollaston, 1867: 6): Praia (Herbert, 1987: 97); Ilha de São Vicente (Wollaston, 1867: 6): São Pedro (Herbert, 1987: 97).
Chad. (Tschad See, Breuning, 1927: 222)
Djibuti. Djibuti (EM, SB); Ali Sabieh reg: Holhol (SB); Ambouli (DP, EM, SB); Obock (RMCA, SB), bay of Tadjoura (Breuning, 1927: 222).
Egypt. Alexandria (Breuning, 1927: 222); Gulf of Solum, El Hamam, Assuan, Wadi Halfa, Gebel Elba (Schatzmayr, 1936: 24), Marsa Halaib, Wadi Haideb, Abu Simbel, Sallum, Maryut lake (Alfieri, 1976: 3).
Eritrea. Wachiro (AC); Massaua (SB).
Ethiopia. Gamo Gofa: Kelam (AVT); Oromia: Langano Lake (SB); 40 km W Konza (SB).
Iran. Fars (Mandl, 1970: 63); Hormozgan: Abad Geno, 40 km nord Bander Abbas (EM), 45Km East of Bandar Abbas (SB), Posht-Koh Village, Minab road (Azadbakhsh & al., 2015b: 226), Hasan-Langi (Azadbakhsh & al. 2015a: 45); Kerman: Rigmati, (paratype of loeffleri) (NMB); Lorestan: Firouz Abad (Mandl, 1970: 63); Sistan and Baluchistan: Bampur, Khasch, Iranshahr, Irafshan (Mandl, 1970: 63); Tehran: 70km SW Tehran, Yusefabad (Mandl: 1967; 458).
Iraq. Basrah (Andrewes, 1929: 64), Ramadi (Mandl: 1967; 458).
Kenya. North Eastern Province: El Wak (SB, TL); Eastern Province: Laisamis (SB); Marsabit to South Orr (Häckel et al, 2016: 15), Taveta (Breuning, 1927: 221); Rift Valley Province: Amboseli Nat park (SB; Häckel et al, 2016: 15 sub hottentottum), Gakong (SB), Oltepesi (SB); Makueni Province: Sultan Hamid (sub hottentottum, Jeannel, 1940: 105).
Kuwait. Sha`ab, Erifjan, Sobiya, Kathma, Um Neqa, Rhawdatin, Burgan, Jal Al-Zor, Khiran, Doha, Khaldya (Al-Houty, 2004: 62); Bayan, Khwasat, Erifjan, Sha`ab (sub deserticola Al-Houty, 2004: 62).
Lybia. Fazzan: suburb of Ghat (JCR).
Mali. Timbuctu (Jeannel, 1940: 105), Gao (SB).
Niger. Aïr, Tabélot (RMCA); Agadés (Breuning, 1927: 222); Nguigmi (Mandl, 1970: 61); Agadés reg. Arlit (Aïr)(SB
Oman. Jebel Huwarrah (DP); Dhofar prov: Wadi Quitbit (NMP); Al-Wusta: E. of Al Ghubar (; Taquah env Samahram(SB); Muscat (; Adh-Dhahira: Ibri (
Pakistan. Baluchistan: Ashtola (Astola) island (Andrewes, 1929: 64), Khusdar (SB), Quetta (SB), SW Quetta (Mandl, 1970: 63); Punjab: Bahawalpur (NIM), Meyal near Attock (EM); Khyber Pakhtunkhwa: Kohat (NIM); Sindh: Mithi (NIM), Karachi (Andrewes, 1929: 64)
Qatar. Abu Samrah (Abdu & Shaumar, 1985)
Saudi Arabia. Al-Baha prov: El-Hawya, Wadi Turabet Zahran (El-Hawagry & al, 2013); Asir prov Sha’ar (SB), Wadi Ramlan (SB); Hejaz (Breuning, 1927: 222); Makkah prov. Taif (SB). Jidda (Jeddah) (RMCA), Qiya (Ebay); 10 km W Al Faydah (; Asfan (TL); Najran prov: Rub al Khati (AMNH); Riyadh prov.: Riyadh (Wittmer & al., 1979: 527), 100 km NE Riyadh, Rawdhat Khorim NP 550m (Abdel-Dayem & al., 2017; SB), NE of Al Quwaiiyah 728m (SB).
Senegal. Richard Tol (SB)
Somalia. Genale (AC); Hargheissa (sub linnavuorii Mandl, 1968c: 128); 25km NW Berbera, Daragodleh (sub linnavuorii Mandl, 1968c: 128); 25 km S of El Buh (El Haga) (RMCA); El Afweyn (El Afweina) (BMNH; Vigna Taglianti & Bruschi, 1988: 238); Dolo (
Sudan. Khartum (NMP), Port Sudan (NMP), El Fasher (RMCA); Ambukohl (Breuning, 1927: 222); Wadi Halfa (Schatzmayr, 1936: 24); Kassala, Abend Pass (Mandl, 1968c: 128); Suakin (Breuning, 1927: 222)
Syria. as-Suwayda: Al Kafr (SB)
Tanzania. Arusha: 5km S. from Karatu 1430m (SB)
United Arab Emirates. Ras Al Khaimah (, Tawi as Saman (SB), Shardza (Al Sharjah) (SB), Al Bataeh, Dubai Technology Park (
Yemen. (Breuning, 1927: 222); Is. Socotra: Hadibu plain (BMNH; Vigna Taglianti & Bruschi, 1988: 240), Shuab (SB)

Notes: Winged, attracted to light at night. Taking into account the wide distribution area, almost entirely included in the equatorial, tropical and sub-tropical zones, the period of activity covers the whole year but varies locally influenced by the precipitation regimes.

Calosoma (Caminara) imbricatum imbricatum
Klug, 1832
Eritrea: Massaua, XII.1972, Boemi lg.
Calosoma (Caminara) imbricatum imbricatum
Klug, 1832
Djibuti II.1990
Calosoma (Caminara) imbricatum imbricatum
Klug, 1832
Somalia, N. Hargheissa,23-28.VI.63. paratype of Calosoma (Caminara) imbricatum linnavuorii Mandl, 1968.
(coll. Naturhistorischen Museum Basel)
Calosoma (Caminara) imbricatum imbricatum
Klug, 1832
Sud Est Persien, Rigmati, West Deghaz, Marian 1950
paratype of Calosoma (Caminara) imbricatum loeffleri Mandl, 1953
(coll. Naturhistorischen Museum Basel)
Calosoma (Caminara) imbricatum imbricatum
Chaudoir, 1852
Djibouti: Ambouli, leg. G.Nazaret (coll. D. Peslier)
Calosoma (Caminara) imbricatum imbricatum
Chaudoir, 1852
Kenya: Amboseli Nat. Park, 25.Jan.2001,Nádai Lázló lg.

Calosoma (Caminara) imbricatum imbricatum
Klug, 1832
Iran: Abad Geno, 40km nordlich von Bander Abbas,
7.IV.1972, F Ressl leg. (coll.E. Migliaccio)
Calosoma (Caminara) imbricatum imbricatum
Klug, 1832
Pakistan: Baluchistan Prov., Khusdar,
23.07.09, Muhammad Akter

Calosoma (Caminara) imbricatum ottentottum Chaudoir, 1852

Calosoma hottentottum Chaudoir, 1852: 99. Type material: description compatible with one specimen, no locality given (another specimen mentioned in the description from: Cap de Bonne Espérance); lectotype ♂ (ex Musaeo Chaudoir. no locality label) designated by Deuve (1978: 249), in Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris [examined]
Calosoma (Caminara) imbricatum ssp. hottentottum Breuning, 1927: 221
Caminara (Caminara) imbricata imbricata hottentota Lapouge, 1932: 410
Ctenosta aethiops Jeannel, 1940: 127 partim (type locality: Aïr, Azbin, Rég. de Tintaboirac, 20Km E. d’Agadés); holotype ♂ in Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris (synonymy established by Hackel & al., 2016) [examined]
Caminara imbricatum subsp. hottentota Jeannel, 1940: 104

Length 18–20 mm. This population is distinguished from others by its head and pronotum, which have large punctures and deep, transverse wrinkles, as well as the rougher sculpture of the elytra. Additionally, C. imbricatum hottentottum consistently has bronze reflections on the upper part (unlike the bluish reflections seen in other populations).
C. imbricatum hottentottum is known to inhabit Namibia and South Africa, and it is likely confined to these countries. As discussed above, the populations in western Kenya and eastern Tanzania are here treated as part of the C imbricatum imbricatum complex without further distinction.
Finally, Hackel et al. (2016) also consider the holotype of C. aetiops from Niger to be a specimen of C. imbricatum hottentottum (see more details in the discussion on C. roeschkei). However, in this case, Jeannel's holotype should be considered as having an incorrect locality label, as no additional specimens with the same characteristics have been found in that area, while the typical form is relatively common throughout Niger.


Examined specimens and literature’s data
Namibia. Erongo: Omaruru (SB), Usakos 900m. (SB), between Omaruru and Uis (EM) Spitzkoppe (Kuntzen, 1919: 113), Walvis Bay (IZICO,; Hardap: Mariental 1120 m (SB), Maltahöhe (; Karas: Grunau env., Withuis (, Klein Karas Mts. (RMCA), Great Karas Mts. (IZICO,; Khomas: Nauchas 1770m (SB); Otjitambi (Mandl, 1970: 62); Kunene: Kamanjab (TL); Hardap reg: Maltahohe 1350m. (SB), Kalkrand 1226m (SB); Otjozondjupa: Okahandja (EM), Otjivarongo, between Gobabis and Aranos (Häckel et al, 2016: 15), Rehoboth (SB), between Otjosondu and Kub (Kuntzen, 1919: 113).
South Africa. Cap de Bonne Espérance (MNHN); Western Cape: Upington (RMCA), Pniel (Jeannel, 1940: 105); Northern Cape: Kimberley (Breuning, 1927: 223), SW Kimberley, 13 km SW Ritchie (Häckel et al, 2016: 15); Augrabies National Park, Orange river (

Notes: Winged, attracted to light at night. Active individuals were captured from January to March

Calosoma (Caminara) imbricatum hottentottum
Chaudoir, 1852
no locality label
(lectotype of Calosoma hottentota Chaudoir, 1852)
(Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris)
Calosoma (Caminara) imbricatum hottentottum
Chaudoir, 1852
Aïr, Azbin, Rég. de Tintaboirac, 20Km E. d’Agadés (Capitaine Posth) (holotype of Ctenosta aethiops) Jeannel, 1940
(coll. Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris)
Calosoma (Caminara) imbricatum hottentottum
Chaudoir, 1852
Namibia: Mariental 1120 m., Mariental town, 24°37' S, 17°57'E.,
3-4.III.97, Audisio, Bologna, Zapparoli lg.
Calosoma (Caminara) imbricatum hottentottum
Chaudoir, 1852
Namibia: Mariental 1120 m., Mariental town, 24°37' S, 17°57'E.,
3-4.III.97, Audisio, Bologna, Zapparoli lg.

Calosoma (Caminara) imbricatum deserticola Semenov, 1897

Calosoma deserticola Semenov, 1897: 242 (distributrion indicated in the description: Transcaspica, Turkestan occ.) original material: unspecified number of specimens, no repository given.; syntypes in Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg (Jeannel, 1940: 116)
Calosoma (Caminara) deserticola Breuning, 1927: 223
Caminara (Caminara) imbricata andrewesi deserticola Lapouge, 1932: 410
Campalita deserticola Jeannel, 1940: 116
Calosoma (Caminara) imbricatum ssp. deserticola Mandl, 1969: 2
Caminara deserticola Basilewski, 1972: 37
Calosoma (Caminara) deserticola ssp. augustasi Obydov, 2005: 5 (type locality: Mongolia, 30km SW from Bugat), holotype ♂ in Timiryazev State Museum of Biology Moscow, paratypes in TMB and in coll. Saldaitis, Vilnius.

Length 22-28 mm. C. deserticola was first described by Semenov in 1897 as a distinct species, a classification later upheld by Breuning in 1927, albeit with some reservations, and by Jeannel in 1940, who even placed it in a different genus. However, it was subsequently regarded by Lapouge (1932) and later by Mandl (1969) as merely a subspecies of C. imbricatum. In fact, C. imbricatum deserticola closely resembles the typical C. imbricatum imbricatum, differing primarily in its larger body size, flatter elytral sculpture, and black coloration without bluish or bronze reflections. These characteristics are typical of populations from Central Asia; however, moving eastward toward Mongolia, individuals tend to become smaller and more robust while retaining the same pattern of elytral sculpture. Obidov (2005: 5) considered the Mongolian population to be a distinct taxon (C. deserticola augustasi), based on subtle differences such as smaller size, more pronounced sculpture of the head, pronotum, and elytra, larger foveae on the primary intervals, and a slightly thicker aedeagus apex. The differences, aside from the variation in the shape of the aedeagus that has been somewhat exaggerated in the original description, are consistent but barely noticeable, and in our opinion, do not warrant further subdivision of such a variable species as C. imbricatum. Therefore, we can conclude that C. imbricatum deserticola in Mongolia represents an isolated, yet only minimally differentiated, population. As for the populations in northern Iran, southwestern Turkmenistan, and possibly western Pakistan, these may represent transitional forms between C. imbricatum deserticola and the typical form, as suggested by Breuning (1927: 224) .


Examined specimens and literature’s data
Afghanistan. Herat: Bala Murghab; Maimana: Ali Gul; Badghis: Wadi-ye Namak Shor, Mangan (Mandl, 1970: 61)
China. Xinjiang: Fukang (Kabak et al., 2019: 1163); Gurbantünggüt Desert (Kabak et al., 2019: 1164)
Iran. Kerman: Jussuffabad (Taybad) (Mandl, 1970: 61); North Khorasan: Faruj (SB); Razavi Khorasan: Bajestan, Neyshabour, Sabzevar (Keikhosravi et al., 2020: 53); Teheran: 50km south-west Teheran (Mandl, 1970: 61)
Kazakhstan. Atyrau: Zhylyoyskiy (; Mangystau: Beyneu env.(SB), Aqtau env. (, Ustyurt Plateau (,; Jetisu: Usek valley near Zharkent (Kabak et al., 2019 : 1164)
Mongolia. Bayankhongor aimag: 60 km S. Bayankhongor 1640m (sub deserticola augustasi, Obidov, 2005: 7); Gobi-Altai aimak: Alag-Nur Lake (SB); 30 km SW Bugat 1270m; Zahuin Gobi Desert 1090m, Sharga Somon 1030m (sub deserticola augustasi, Obidov, 2005: 7); Ömnögovǐ aimag: Gurvan tés (Mandl, 1970: 61); 2-3 km SW Dund gol, (Mandl, 1969: 2; MTTM,
Russia. Astrakhan reg: Astrakhan (, 70 km S. Astrachan' (SB), Selitrennoye (SB), Dosang vill.(sub imbricatum,
Turkmenistan. Ashabad (Semenov, 1897: 243); Nebit-Dag (SB); Kopet Dag, Karakata vill. (SB); Repetek Nat. reserve (SB, TL); Merw (SB); Karakum desert, 50 km. SE Chardjew (SB); Kizilkum desert (Breuning, 1927: 224); Serdar (Kizil Arwat) (EM); Ljutfabad (EM); Türkmenbaşy (Krasnovodsk) (Semenov, 1897: 243), Tedschen (Mandl, 1970: 61)
Uzbekistan. Taskent (SB); Khorezm reg., Karakapakstan rep. (Khamraev, 2003: 47); Kizil Kum desert (Mandl, 1970: 61)

Notes: C. imbricatum deserticola is winged and inhabits sandy semidesertic steppes, sandy semideserts and sand deserts, where it hides in the sand during the day. At night it hunts and is an excellent climber. Active individuals were captured in spring from the middle of April to the beginning of July

Calosoma (Caminara) imbricatum deserticola
Semenov, 1897
Turkmenistan: Merw, juin 1896
Calosoma (Caminara) imbricatum deserticola
Semenov, 1897
Turkmenistan: Repetek (Nat. reserve),
15-30.IV.1990, Sendek lgt.
Calosoma (Caminara) imbricatum deserticola
Semenov, 1897
SW Mongolia: Gobi-Altai aimak, Dzhungarian Gobi,
Alag-Nur Lake 1300m. (near Ajlyn-Tsan-Khuduk),
1-2.VI.2011 Yakovlev lgt.

Calosoma (Caminara) imbricatum andrewesi Breuning, 1928

Calosoma (Caminara) imbricatum var. andrewesi Breuning, 1928: 95 (type locality: Assam) holotype ♂ in Naturalis Biodiversity Centre, Leiden (de Boer, 2002: 27)
Caminara (Caminara) imbricata andrewesi Lapouge, 1932: 410
Caminara imbricatum Subsp. Andrewesi Jeannel, 1940: 104
Calosoma (Caminara) imbricatum ssp. loeffleri Mandl, 1953: 57 (partim)

Length 20-22 mm. Chaudoir (1869: 368) cited a specimen of Calosoma from India, which he found to be very similar to C. imbricatum and tentatively identified it as Calosoma orientale, previously described by Hope. Breuning (1927: 223), upon confirming the presence of a population of C. imbricatum in India, retained the name Calosoma orientale for it, thereby perpetuating Chaudoir's misunderstanding. It was only later that Breuning (1928: 95) correctly identified Hope's C. orientale as the species Chaudoir (1869: 368) had named C. squamigerum. Consequently, Breuning proposed a new name, andrewesi, for the Indian population of C. imbricatum.
C. imbricatum andrewesi comprises populations of relatively larger size, with a stout body and flattened elytral sculpture. The upper body color is a dull, non-metallic black.
A few older records regard captures from Northeastern India (Bengal, Assam), but more recent specimens have been found in the western Indian state of Rajasthan and in Pakistan along the borders of the Thar Desert. However, reliable data are scarce, and within the Indian subcontinent, C. imbricatum appears to be quite rare or at least difficult to detect.

Examined specimens and literature’s data
India. Assam (holotype, Breuning, 1928b: 95); North of Bengal Presidency (Chaudoir, 1869: 368); Rajasthan: Jaipur (SB), Jodhpur (sub imbricatum imbricatum, Kumar S. et al., 2022: 22263), Mount Abu (RS), between Bikaner and Jaisalmer (RS), Thar Desert (sub loeffleri, Mandl, 1970: 63).
Pakistan. Sindh prov. Tharparkar dist (SB).

Notes: As the other populations of the same species, C. imbricatum andrewesi is winged and attracted to light at night. Active individuals were captured in July.
The subspecies has been named after Herbert Edward Andrewes (1863 - 1950) an English entomologist, specialist in Carabidae, that worked at the Indian Forest Service and later at the Natural History Museum in London.

Calosoma (Caminara) imbricatum andrewesi
Breuning, 1928
India: Rajasthan, Mount Abu, (coll. R. Sciaky)
Calosoma (Caminara) imbricatum andrewesi
Breuning, 1928
India: Rajasthan, Jaipur, VII 1988, Pad. Mal. leg.
updated November 1 2024
