Calosoma (Campalita) maderae (Fabricius, 1775)
C. maderae consists of a cluster of populations that vary considerably with regard to the color and to the elytral sculpture. For this reason these populations received in the past various names at species or subspecies level. Dealing with this confusion of names, Roeschke (1900: 60) was the first to observe the great morphogical variability of the various populations related to C. maderae and the difficulty of identifying a clear separation between one and the other, albeit taking into account the geographical distribution and, above all, the ecological characteristics of the various habitats. Thereafter Breuning (1927: 204), chose to include every described populations in one single species, while, on the contrary Jeannel (1940) considered four distinct species: maderae, auropunctatum, indicum and chinense.
However, taking into account of the geographycal distribution of these supposed species, it is apparent, even in the presence of a considerable individual variability, the emergence of an East to West geographical continous cline of variation, from the far eastern populations (chinense) to the ones of Atlantic islands (maderae auct.). For this reason we would prefer to consider a single species (C. maderae) characterized by the colour of upper body going from black to dark bronze and by the elytral sculpture of triploid type with tendency to become of pentaploid by doubling of the tertiary intervals, up to be transformed into a granulation having a more or less recognizable intervals. Inside this single species we consider maderae, dsungaricum, indicum as subspecies but we'd rather treat chinense as a distinct species, taking into account the further evolution of more minor morphological characteristics, other than the elytral sculpture.
It is important to note that the word: subspecies, as used in this context, corresponds to groups of populations, differentiated by morphological criteria not too restrictive, but that are well defined when we consider their geographical area of distribution. In the areas of contact we find the transition between one and the other group. Here the cline of morphological variability does not always allow a sure differentiation of individuals, instead, the populations that occupy the farthest areas may be easily distinguished.
The elytral sculpture of triploid type, as the one that characterizes C. maderae dsungaricum, may considered the less advanced (Jeannel, 1940:25). This type of sculpture is progressively modified in the various populations encountered going eastward (kashmirense - densegranulatum – indicum, auct.). This occurs first through the duplication of the tertiary intervals and in a subsequent phase through the gradual dissolution of all the intervals, towards a uniformly granular sculpture, where only the primary intervals are indicated by the presence of large metallic foveae. These last populations are included in our C. maderae indicum.
On the other side, going westward, the elytral sculpture gradually changes in the different populations (auropunctatum - indagator – maderae auct.), by doubling the tertiary intervals and, on parallel, by flattening of all the intervals and reducing the size of the foveae on the primary ones. We consider all these populations inside our C. maderae s. str. Once again, these changes in morphology occur without perceivable continuity break from one population to another.
Calosoma (Campalita) maderae maderae (Fabricius, 1775)
Carabus maderae Fabricius, 1775: 237 (described from Madeira) lectotypes in Natural History Museum of Denmark, Copenhagen (Zimsen & Fabricius, 1964: 52); 1♂ (ex coll. Bamks) in Natural History Museum, London (Roeschke, 1900: 57); Zoological Museum of Kiel University (Casale & al, 1982: 87)
Carabus auropunctatum Herbst, 1784: 131 (described from southern Sweden) lectotype in Museum für Naturkunde, Berlin (Casale & al, 1982: 90)
Carabus indagator Fabricius, 1787: 197 (described from Berberia) lectotype in Natural History Museum of Denmark, Copenhagen (Andrewes, 1929: 57)
Carabus sericeus Fabricius, 1792: 147 (described from "Germaniae sabuleti") lectotypes in Natural History Museum of Denmark, Copenhagen (Jeannel, 1940: 111); Zoological Museum of Kiel University (Andrewes, 1929: 57; Casale & al, 1982: 90)
Calosoma indagator Fabricius, 1801: 211
Calosoma sericeum Fabricius, 1801: 212
Calosoma tectum Motschoulsky, 1844: 122 (distribution: "Sud de nos possession Transcaucasiennes" = Talysch?); original material: unspecified number of specimens, no repository given.
Callisoma tauricum Motschoulsky, 1850: 88 (described from: Tauride)
Calosoma auropunctatum var obscurum Letzner, 1850: 97 (distribution: Schlesien); original material: unspecified number of specimens, no repository given.
Calosoma auropunctatum var auromarginatum Letzner, 1850: 97 ; idem
Calosoma auropunctatum var nitens Letzner, 1850: 97 ; idem
Campalita auropunctatum s. v. Duftschmidti Géhin, 1885: 63 ; nomen novum pro sericeum sensu Duftschmid, 1812: 15 (described from: Dorfe Dobling, Wien); original material: unspecified number of specimens, no repository given.
Campalita auropunctatum s. v. funestum Géhin, 1885: 63, note 63 ; (described from: Caucase); unspecified number of specimens but type formely in coll. R. Oberthür (Jeannel, 1940: 109)
Campalita calida maroccana Lapouge, 1924: 44 (distribution: interieur du Maroc); original material: unspecified number of specimens; no repository given.
Campalita maderae glabripenne Eidam, 1926: 94 (described from Madeira Is.); type material: holotype ♀ ( from S. Pral el Soor, Madeira) in Naturalis Biodiversity Centre, Leiden (de Boer, 202: 53)
Calosoma (Callistriga) maderae maderae Breuning, 1927: 210
Calosoma (Callistriga) maderae indagator Breuning, 1927: 210
Calosoma (Callistriga) maderae auropunctatum Breuning, 1927: 211
Calosoma (Callistriga) maderae funestum Breuning, 1927: 213
Calosoma (Callistriga) maderae tectum Breuning, 1927: 214
Campalita auropunctata syra Lapouge, 1930: 86 (distribution: Syria); original material: unspecified number of specimens; no repository given.
Campalita auropunctata Montandoni Lapouge, 1930: 87 (distribution: Romania); original material: unspecified number of specimens; no repository given.
Campalita Maderae indagatrix Lapouge, 1930: 96 (unnecessary nomen emendatum pro indagator Fabricius, 1787)
Campalita maderae maderae Jeannel, 1940: 110
Campalita maderae indagator Jeannel, 1940: 110
Campalita maderae tauricum Jeannel, 1940: 110
Campalita auropunctatum auropunctatum Jeannel, 1940: 111
Campalita tanganyicae Jeannel, 1940: 114; (type locality: Afrique orientale allemande) type material: holotype ♂, allotype ♀, originally in coll Bedel in Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris [examined].
Calosoma (Callistriga) iranicum Mandl, 1953: 55 (type locality: Westrand des Dschas Morian, Südostiran) Type material: holotype ♂ in former coll. Mandl
Campalita auropunctatum nicolasi Schuler, 1964: 211 type material: holoype 1♀ (from Névache, Hautes Alpes) in coll. Schuler
Calosoma (Callistriga) dsungaricum tectum Mandl, 1967: 44
Campalita auropunctata sturanii Raynaud et Marchal, 1967: 96 (described from Italie, Sicilie) syntypes 1♂, 2♀♀, and preimaginal instars, repository not stated. According to Casale & al. (1982: 87), the type material is from Fontana Fredda, Catania, in coll. Raynaud (at present in Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris).
Calosoma auropunctatum parvepunctatum Della Beffa, 1983 (cited in Lorenz, 2005: 69)
Calosoma maderae indagator impunctatus Branes, 1987: 25
Length 22-35 mm. The populations attributed to C. maderae maderae present the elytral sculpture pattern of triploid type with a tendency to turn into pentaploid type by doubling the tertiary intervals. The intervals are flat or semi-obsolete and weakly imbricate; the colour is dull black.
In a more broad vision as we propose, auropunctatum, that Jeannel had characterized by the predominantly triploid elytral sculptur, does not deserve to be distinguished from the other populations given the fickleness of the characteristics. Moreover often we find in a same locality individuals showing both the models of elytral sculpture.
C. maderae maderae can be found, with larger specimens (25-35 mm), on both western coasts of the Mediterranean basin, where the sculpture is generally more flattened (indagator), up to the islands of Madeira and the Canary, where the sculpture is obsolete, or is only detectable by some streaks of weak punctures (maderae s. str.).
C. maderae maderae occupies the Alpine region where we find populations on average smaller in size (16-26 mm.), the central and northern Europe up to Norway, the Eastern Medirranean coast, Ukraine, Balkan Peninsula (Romania and Bulgaria), Southern Russia, Iraq, Iran (auropunctatum sensu Breuning, 1927: 211).
Going eastward find individuals or whole populations showing in the elytral sculpture a more pronounced triploid aspect. The ancient authors already had noticed the variability of populations and individuals in this large area, and this variability had led to the identification of many forms, some of which are considered by Breuning (1927: 213-214) close to his maderae auropunctatum (funestum from Asia Minor to Caucasus) and other to maderae dsungaricum (tectum in the regions around the southern Caspian sea).
C maderae has been indicated doubtfully from Egypt: Heluan (auropunctatum Breuning, 1927: 213) but Schatzmayr (1936: 24) thinks that this indication is erroneous and he concludes that, according to the opinion of Jeannel (1940: 112), in Egypt C maderae is substituted by its vicarious chlorostictum. Subsequently, Alfieri (1976: 3) while excluding the presence of C. auropunctatum, cites C. maderae indagator found on the sea shore more or less two hundred kilometers from the Lybian border. We think that the find, at least occasionally, of C. maderae in Egypt can not be excluded a priori since it is found in the conterminous countries Libya and Israel.
Finally, the examination of the types allowed us for assigning the two supposed species, Campalita tanganyicae described (Jeannel, 1940) on two specimens incorrectly labelled, and Campalita iranicum, described (Mandl, 1955) from western Baluchistan, to the C. maderae group. Strangely these supposed species are quite similar. Both have the elytral sculpture of triploid type, slightly scaly and somewhat irregular, but with flat intervals. It is difficult to identify the group of populations to which these specimens are to be attributed, considering that in the case of C. maderae the characters are not constant in the individuals inside each group and that, therefore, in many cases it is almost impossible to decide on the basis of single specimens. In fact, the specimens of C. tanganyicae were attributed by Rougemont (1976: 245) to C. maderae dsungaricum, following the opinion of Basilewsky, and both the supposed species were later attributed by Bruschi & Vigna Taglianti (2012: 205) to C. maderae indicum. However, in the absence of additional information, all these specimens should be more properly considered as part of the variability of C. maderae maderae.
Examined specimens and literature’s data
Albania. Vlorë (
Algeria. Ben Badis (AC), Ghazaouet (Nemours), Lalla Maghnia, Daya, El Kreider, Mecheria, Sidi Bel Abbès, Mostaganem, Teniet-el-Had, Berouhaghi, env. Alger, Grande Kabylia Biskra, Bone, La Calle (Bedel, 1895: 21); Al-Manīʿa (El Goléa) (Jeannel, 1940: 110); Boukhanafis (SB); Batna, Oran (SB); Souk Ahras: Zouabi (
Armenia. Erevan (sub maderae funestum Breuning, 1927: 214); Gechard (AVT); Selim pass (SB); Tavush: Dilijan (
Austria. Burgenland: März, Neusiedl am See, Neusiedlerseegebiet (Mandl 1957: 106), Zurndorf (; Kärnten: Sagritz, Heiligenblut (Pacher, 1853); Niederösterreich: Auam, Leithagebirge, Herzogenburg, Garsam, Kamp, Laaa.d.Th., Langenzersdorf, Marchfeld, Mödling, Petronell Ravensburg, Trumaubei Baden (Mandl 1957: 106); Oberösterreich: Gosau, Linz-Umgebung, between Mariahilf and Schullerberg (Mandl 1957: 106); Tirol: Zirl (; Wien: Donauauen, Hadersdorf, Auhofgarten, Inzersdorf, Nußberg, Überschwemmungsgebiet (Mandl 1957: 106), Laaerberg (SB), Langenzersdorf (, Žatek (AVT).
Azerbajian. Talysh (Breuning, 1927: 215, sub maderae tectum), Elisabethpol (= Ganja) (Breuning, 1927: 214; sub maderae funestum)
Belarus. Brest: Malaryta (; Minsk: Minsk (; Homyel: Homyel (; Hrodna: Lida (
Belgium. Anvers: Saint-Vliet (sub auropunctatum, Matieu, 1857: 120).
Bosnia-Erzegovina. Mostarko Blato (Apfelbeck, 1904 : 16)
Bulgaria. Haskovo (sub auropunctatum, Buresch & Kantardjieva, 1928: 64); Dragomansko blato (Dragoman) (EM); Lozenets (Burgas) (EM, SB); Grudovo, Choveka 2000m. (Guéorguiev & Guéorguiev, 1995: 40); Obzor, (; Plovdiv: Dobri Dol (
Canaries Islands (Spain). El Hierro: Valverde; La Gomera: Laguna Grande, Laguna de Gomera (Machado, 1992: 89); La PaIma: (Wollaston, 1865: 3), Carretera S. Bartolomé de la Galga, San Isidro (Machado, 1992: 89); Tenerife: (Wollaston, 1865: 3), Santa Cruz de Tenerife (AVT, SB), San Andres (SB), Costa Sur (SB); Bajamar, Punta del Hidalgo 200m, Tejina 300m, Las Mercedes 600m, La Matanza 500m, Los Rodeos, 680m, Campo de Golf (Guamasa) 650m, Esperanza (Mña. Grande), Aguamansa, Agua Guillén, Agua GarcÍa (Salto Naranjo), La Orotava, Playa de San Juan (Machado, 1992: 89); Gran Canaria: (Wollaston, 1865: 3), Maspalomas (, Tarajalillo (, Tafira, Las Palmas, Melenara, Telde (Machado, 1992: 89); Fuerteventura: La Oliva; Lanzarote: between Haría and El Río (Machado, 1992: 89).
Croatia. Krapan (Carpano); Rijeka (Fiume) (sub auropunctatum, Müller, 1926: 45).
Cyprus. Lemesos: Akrotiri (SB), Akrotiri peninsula (Austin & al., 2011); Paphos: Mamonia (; Famagusta: Pernera (
Czech Republic. Hodonín, Jezeřany-Maršovice, Šlapanice, Bochovice, Stařeč, Jihlava, Praha (sub auropunctatum, Brno (
Denmark. Amager, Samsö (sub sericeum, Schiødte, 1841: 309), Rømø island (Lindroth, 1985: 48), Vendsyssel-Thy: Rabjerg Kirke (Jorum, 1999: 39).
Egypt. Heluan (= Elwan, Cairo) (Breuning, 1927: 213; sub auropunctatum); Marsa Matruh (Alfieri, 1976: 3; sub maderae indagator).
Estonia. South Estonia (Haberman, 1968: 117)
France. Aude : Narbonne (Jeannel, 1940: 110 & sub auropunctatum, Jeannel, 1940: 112); Canigou: Saint-André; Hérault: Valras Agde (, Béziers (Jeannel, 1940: 110 & sub auropunctatum, Jeannel, 1940: 112 ); Lozère: mont Aigoual (Jeannel, 1940: 110); Montpellier (sub auropunctatum, Jeannel, 1940: 112); Pyrénées-Orientales: Saint-André (; Seine et Oise: Montemorency (SB), Le Pecq (SB); Seine-Saint-Denis: Aubervilliers (sub auropunctatum, Jeannel, 1940: 112); Vienne: Poitiers (sub auropunctatum, Jeannel, 1940: 112)); Frejus, étangs de Villepey (
Georgia Tibilisi (Tiflis) (Breuning, 1927: 214 sub maderae funestum), Mtisdziri (
Germany. Brandenburg: Bergsdorf, Zehdenick, Neulöwenberg (sub auropunctatum, Stöckel, 1981: 38), Spree-Neiße, Ostprignitz-Ruppin (, Vieritz (sub auropunctatum,, Papproth (, Königs Wusterhausen, Templin (; Lower Saxony : Bad Lauterberg (EM); Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania: Rechlin (; North Rhine-Westphalia: Sassenberg (sub auropunctatum, Spree-Neiße (; Odenwald: Rothenberg (sub auropunctatum; Sachsen: Leipzig (sub auropunctatum,; Sachsen-Anhalt: Wittenberg (sub auropunctatum,; Thüringen (Hartmann, 2007: 162)
Greece. Creta, Cyclades islands: Syros, Milos, Paros (Apfelbeck, 1904 : 15); Parnassos mt. (Apfelbeck, 1904 : 15), Peloponneso (Morea), Lesbos (Mytilene), Rhodes (sub maderae auropunctatum Breuning, 1927: 211); Limnos (sub auropunctatum, Jeannel, 1940: 112); Thessaloniki (sub auropunctatum dsungaricum, Jeannel, 1940: 113)
Hungary. Gyulaj, Miskolc, Sátoraljaújhely, Nyíregyháza, Debrecen, Felsoireg (Tolna distr.), Hortobagy National Park, Barabás, Budapest, Pestszentlőrinc-Pestszentimre, Rakoskeresztur, Rakosmezo (Narozsny, 1938: 75), Csongrád: Domaszék (sub auropunctatum,; Békés: Kardoskút (
Iran. Bushehr prov: Bushehr (Bushire) (MZUR) (sub maderae dsungaricum Breuning, 1928b: 96); Fars prov: Shiraz (sub sericeum; Kollar & Redtenbacher, 1848: 45); Gilan prov: Gysoum, Asalem (sub auropunctatum dsungaricum Salari & al.2014: 451); Golestan prov: Gorgan (Astrabad) (MZUR; Breuning, 1927: 215 sub maderae tectum), Salikandeh (sub Campalita iranicum; Ghahari & al., 2009: 439); Hormozgan prov: Bandar Abbas (EM), Choh Vali vill. (SB); Kerman prov: Kerman (DS), Jaz Murian Depression (sub auropunctatum tectum, Mandl, 1953: 55); Khūzestān prov: Omidyeh (NMP), Haft-Tapeh (AVT), Gachsaran 2850m (; Mazadaran prov: Nowshahr (sub dsungaricum tectum Mandl, 1967c: 44), Behshahr (sub maderae dsungaricum, Ghahari, 2018: 100); North Khorasan prov: 52 Km E-Bojnourd (sub maderae dsungaricum , Keikhosravi et al., 2020: 53); Razavi Khorasan prov: Nishapur (SB), Mashhad (sub maderae tectum Namaghi & al., 2010: 199); Sistan and Baluchistan prov: western edge of Jaz Murian Depression (type of iranicum), to the west of Baluchistan (cotype of iranicum NMB), Bampur (sub iranicum, Mandl, 1967c: 44); South Khorasan prov: Nehbandan (sub maderae tectum Namaghi & al., 2010: 199); Teheran: Teheran (NMP); ; Tabriz: Sīāh Chaman (sub dsungaricum tectum, Heinz, 1970: 363).
Iraq. Mossul (sub maderae dsungaricum Breuning, 1928b: 96); Bagdad (, Al-Basrah: Abu al Khasib (
Israel. Mt. Carmel, Jaffa (Tel Aviv) (Breuning, 1927: 213 sub maderae auropunctatum); Golan Heights: Ya'ar Odem (Assmann et al., 2020: 145); Mt Hermon 1250/2200m, (Assmann et al., 2020: 144); Hula Nature Reserve (Assmann et al., 2020: 145); Upper Galilee: Ziv'on (Assmann et al., 2020: 145); Northern Coastal Plain: Nahsholim, Kfar Glikson, Binyamina (Assmann et al., 2020: 145); Southern Coastal Plain: Givat Brenner, Neta'im (Assmann et al., 2020: 145); Judean Hills: Adullam, Tzur Hadassah, Jerusalem (Assmann et al., 2020: 145); Northern Negev: Pura Nature Reserve, Gvulot, Hazerim, Be'er Sheva (Assmann et al., 2020: 145); Central Negev: Ma'agar Yeroham 450m (Assmann et al., 2020: 145).
Italy. Abruzzo: Atessa (; Basilicata: Policoro (AVT), Matera (; Calabria: Catanzaro (MCZR), Crotone, Santa Cristina d’Aspromonte (Magistretti, 1965: 59), Reggio Calabria (AC); Campania: Napoli (SB), Roccarainola (AVT), Orta di Atella (, Camaldoli (Magistretti, 1965: 59); Emilia Romagna: Ravenna (AVT, SB), Lido di Classe (AC, AVT), Cervia (EM), Baricella (EM), Sesto Imolese (De Giovanni, 1978: 12), Massalombarda, Ravenna Punta Marina, Mesola, Bubano di Mordano, Piacenza (, Castelnuovo Rangone (CKmap), Cesena, (Magistretti, 1965: 59); Friuli: Gorizia, Tolmezzo (sub auropunctatum, Müller, 1926: 45); Lazio: Gaeta (AVT), Salto di Fondi (AVT), P.N. Circeo (AVT), Terracina (AVT), Sabaudia (AVT), Campoverde (EM), Padiglione (AVT), Priverno Scalo (AVT), Maenza (AVT), Acilia (MZUR), Sassofurbara (AVT), Lido di Roma (AVT), Anzio (AVT), Caffarella (MCZR), Colli Albani (EM), Genzano di Roma (AVT), Roccapriora (EM), Rocca di Papa (Bruno, 1974), Zagarolo (AVT), Monte Tagliente (EM), Marino (Bruno, 1974), Castelromano (EM), Ten. S. Alessio (EM), Cavallo Morto (AVT), Nuova Florida (AVT), Monte Sacro (AVT), Santa Maria di Galeria (AVT), Tor Sapienza (AVT), Ponte Galeria, (AVT) Maccarese (AVT, EM, SB), Castel di Guido (SB), Tenuta Capocotta (SB), Monterazzano (AVT), Montalto di Castro (Bruno, 1974); Lombardia: Lanzo d'Intelvi (Breuning, 1927: 211), Pavia (AVT), Milano dint. (AVT), Marmirolo, Bosco Fontana (AVT), Bigarello (AVT), Quistello, Belgioioso (AC), Voghera, Cervesina (Magistretti, 1965: 59), Langosco, Mezzana Bigli (GA); Marche: Marcelli, Osimo, Camerata Picena (; Piemonte: Collina di Torino (GA), Casale Monferrato (GA), Bozzolo (GA), Pecetto di Valenza (AVT, GA), Frassineto Po (MAl), Occimiano (MAl), Langosco (MAl), Mezzana (MAl), Bigli (MAl), Magliano Alfieri (MAl), Loazzolo (MAl), Castagnola (MAl), S. Martino Alfieri (MAl), Verduno (MAl), Alba (MAl), Monforte d'Alba (MAl), Neive (MAl), Vezza, Limone, Gamalero, Alessandria (Magistretti, 1965: 59), Asti dint, Biella dint (Casale et al., 1982: 90), Entracque (AC, AVT), Spinetta Marengo (AC); Puglia: antico lago di San Egidio, Trinitapoli, lago Macchiapiana, lago di Varano (Magistretti, 1965: 59); Sardegna: Arborea (AC), Capoterra(AVT), Capo Mannu (AVT), Oristano dint. (AVT), Olbia, Massiccio dei Sette Fratelli, Pula- Is Cannoneris (, Cagliari (Magistretti, 1965: 59), Orosei, Ottana (Magistretti, 1968), Isola San Pietro, Isola Sant'Antioco (Piras & Pisano, 1972); Sicilia: Castelbuono, Messina, Spartà (Vitale, 1912: 202), Liccia (Minà Palumbo, 1883: 175), Catania (AVT, SB), Lampedusa (AVT), Pantelleria, (Failla, 1887: 158), Degala del Re, foce del Fiume Irminio, Mazara del Vallo (, foce del Fiume Simeto, Piani di Mascali (AVT), Palermo, Fiume Ciane (Aliquò, 1970); Toscana: Alberese, Isola Pianosa (AVT), Pisa (Piccioli, 1869:207), Isola del Giglio (Gridelli, 1926: 434), Castiglion della Pescaia (SB); Umbria: Castelgiorgio (; Val d'Aosta: Cogne (AVT), Epinel (Bisio & al., 2016: 82); Veneto: Verona, Bertacchina, Porto Tolle (Magistretti, 1965: 58), Peschiera del Garda (teste D. Birtele), Lonigo (Magistretti, 1968), Castagnole (MAl), Chioggia, Venezia Lido (CKmap).
Jordan. Zarqah (AVT)
Kuwait. (AVT)
Latvia. Dubna vill.(sub auropunctatum, Balalaikins et al., 2018: 60)
Libya. Baninha (AVT); Bengasi (SB); Tripolitania: Al Mardum (Bani Whalid); Fazzan: Tikiumit, NW of Al Awainat (; Giarabub, Tobruch, Derna, Tilimùn, Cirene, El Abiar, Augila, Gialo (sub maderae indagator, Gridelli, 1930: 11)
Lithuania. Vilnius: Širvintos (
Madeira islands (Portugal). Madeira: Fanal, Ribeiro Frio (Wollaston, 1854: 15); Porto Santo: Porto Santo (Barroca), Pico Castelo (; Ilheu de Baixo (Wollaston, 1854: 15).
Malta. Gozo: Rabat (Magrini & al, 1997: 218)
Moldova. (sub auropunctatum, Neculiseanu & Matalin, 2000: 40; Bacal & al., 2013: 416): Chişinău (
Morocco. Casablanca-Settat: Casablanca (SB), Oualidia (AVT, EM); Drâa-Tafilalet: Tarmigt (, Ouarzazate (http://www.ebay); Fès-Meknès: Azrou (AVT), Meknès (AVT), Rissani (; Guelmim-Oued Noun: Sidi Ifni (, Bouizakarne. (Kocher , 1938 : 78); Marrakesh-Safi: Marrakech (AVT), Safi (AVT, EM), Essaouira (Mogador) (Escalera, 1914: 8), Meskala (Escalera, 1914: 8); Melilla (Spain) (Escalera, 1914: 8);Oriental: Nador (EM); Rabat-Salé-Kénitra: Kenitra (AVT, SB), Port Lyautey (EM), Forêt de Maamora (SB); Souss-Massa: Agadir (; Tanger-Tétouan-Al Hoceïma: Tanger, Tetouan (Bedel, 1895: 20), Taghebaloute (
Netherlands. Limbourg: Helden (sub auropunctatum, Matieu, 1857: 120)
Norway. near Oslo (Breuning, 1928b: 97); Oslo: Tøyen (sub auropunctatum,
Poland. Jaroslaw (Breuning, 1927: 213); Kuyavian-Pomeranian: Lipno (; Łódź: Zgierz, Skórka (; Lublin: Włodawa ( Lubusz: Słubice (sub auropunctatum,; West Pomeranian; Drawsko (
Portugal. Aveiro, Portimão (sub indagator, Oliveira, 1876: 21); Cabo Espichel ( SPEN); Alentejo: Campo Maior, Elvas, Nisa, Castelo De Vide, Marvão, Portalegre, Arronches (; Faro: Castro Marim (, Corte do Gago (; Lisboa (; Porto: Porto, Maia, Gondomar, Estela, Macieira, Vila Nova de Gaia (
Romania. Craiova (SB), Barlad (sub auropunctatum dsungaricum , Jeannel, 1940: 113); Murighiol ( ; Bacău Co.: Căbeşti, Letea –Veche; Brăila Co.: Lacul Sărat, Terasă; Dolj Co.: Dobridor; Galaţi Co.: Dealul Bujorului, Corod; Giurgiu Co.: Giurgiu; Iaşi Co.; Miroslava, Iaşi, Cotnari, Leţcani, Osoi; Neamţ Co.: Roman, Secuieni; Vaslui Co.: Vaslui, Huşi, Perieni, Pogoneşti ( sub auropunctatum, Varvara & al., 2012: 80); Constanţa: Costinesti (; Teleorman: Balaci (
Russia. Saint Petersburg (sub maderae auropunctatum Breuning, 1927: 213), Stavropol' krai, Novoalexandrovsk (as turcomannica Breuning, 1927: 215); Volgograd region., Olkhovskiy district (; Kaliningrad region: Sambian peninsula, Mechnikov, Yantarny (sub auropunctatum, Alekseev, 2008: 158), Svetlogorsk (; Krasnodar (; Orlovskaya oblast: Orël (sub auropunctatum; Bashkortostan: Khaybullinskiy rayon (; Penza: Staraya Kamenka (; Chechnya: Groznyy (
Serbia. Belgrade: Županjac (Tomislavgrad) (Apfelbeck, 1904 : 16), Stepa Stepanovic (
Slovakia. Nitra: Nitra (SB), Štúrovo (SB), Hron river (SB); Bratislava: Čunovo (
Spain. Almeria: Almeria (Jeanne, 1969: 103), Almerimar (TL); Andalusia: Salobreña, Motril (; Asturias: Coaña, Rio Pinto (; Balearic Islands. Menorca: Plaia de Son Bou (SB ex coll. VV) Mahón (Jeanne, 1969: 103); Mallorca: Palma, Sa Ràpita, Ses Salines, Felanitx (, , Marrachí (http://listadoentomologicomallorca); Barcelona, Torrelles de Foix (SB), Osona, Maresme, Hostalets de Balenyà (, Prat de Llobregat, Tarrasa (Jeanne, 1969: 103); Badajoz: Montijo (Jeanne, 1969: 103), Cádiz: San Roque (Durán, 1965: 66), Algesiras, San Fernando (Jeanne, 1969: 103), Jerez de la Frontera (; Galicia: Santiago, Foz, Monforte, Trives (Campos Gómez & al., 2006: 53), Arzúa, Betanzos, (, Malpica de Bergantiños, Ribeira, Lugo (; Gibilterra, La Linea (EM); Girona: Sant Martí de Llémena, la Selva (, Sant Martí Sapresa (; Granada: Pórtugos, Sierra Nevada, Laguns del Cerro Pelado (Jeanne, 1969: 103); Huelva: Aljaraque, Huelva, Palos de la Frontera, Punta Umbría (López-Pérez & al., 2014: 264), Villalba del Alcor (; Huesca: Bajaruelo (Jeanne, 1969: 103); Jaén: Postal de Becerro, Hornos (Jeanne, 1969: 103), Marrachí, serra de Cazorla (; Lérida: Barbèns (Jeanne, 1969: 103); Lleida: Segrià, Pla d´Urgell (; Lugo: Samos (Jeanne, 1969: 103); Madrid (; Malaga (TL); Murcia: Cartagena (; Navarra, Cascante (SB); Ourense: Pobra de Trives (; Pontevedra (; Rioja: La Navarrete (; Salamanca: Centena de Béjar, Ciudad Rodrigo (Zaballos, 1986: 74); Sevilla: Villamanrique (Jeanne, 1969: 103) (Jeanne, 1969: 103); Soria: Morón de Almazán (; Tarragona: Miravet (Jeanne, 1969: 103), Teruel: Alcabia (Jeanne, 1969: 103); Baix Penedès (; Valencia; Llocnou de Sant Jeroni, Natural Park of Serra d'Irta (; Zaragoza: Zaragoza (SB), Belchite (Jeanne, 1969: 103)
Syria. Damascus (AC)
Sweden. Öland island (Breuning, 1927: 213), Halland: Falkenberg Strait (
Switzerland. (sub auropunctatum,
Tunisia. Tunisia (AVT), Kairouan prov. (Ghannem & al, 2016: 69); Gabès (Bedel, 1895: 21)
Turkey. Tuz Gôlu (AVT, EM, SB); Akşehir, Konya, Ankara, Trabzon, Bitlis (sub maderae funestum Breuning, 1927: 214); Ankara: Yenimahalle (sub maderae Tezcan & al., 2018: 549); Tokat (sub auropunctatum dsungaricum, Jeannel, 1940: 113) Incekum (AVT), Adana (AVT), Antalya (Ova Gölü) (AC); Hazar Gôlu (sub auropunctatum, Karaman (sub maderae dsungaricum,; Diyarbakır: Karacadağ, (sub maderae funestum Tezcan & al., 2018: 549); Aydin prov: Milet, (LT); İzmir: Bornova ( sub auropunctatum Tezcan & al., 2018: 549); Kars: Göle (sub auropunctatum funestum Heinz, 1970:363), Ardahan (LT)
Ukraine. Horodok (Grodek), Ternopiľ (Tarnopol), Biskupice Szlacheckie (sub auropunctatum, Lomnicki, 1893: 337), Central Ucraina (SB), Crimea (Sudak) (SB), Dolinskaja (SB); Berehovo (Beregszasz) (Narozsny, 1938: 75); Simferopol (; Donec'k: Lyman (sub auropunctatum,, Mykolaïvka (; Dnipropetrovs'ka (sub auropunctatum,; Mykolayiv (, Odessa: Biliavs'kyi, Kiliis'kyi (; Poltava: Podolsky dist. (; Zhytomyr: Sadky (
Notes: Winged diurnal but attracted to light at night. Preferably inhabits open areas and tilled fields. It is a terricoluos predator of larvae and pupae of Lepidoptera (mainly Noctuidae) and of other insects. Active individuals were captured from April to October.
C. maderae has one generation a year and in Autumn the adults, newly emerged from the cells of pupation, are active before the hibernation and in these occasion they can be found very abundant. It can survive some years. Lapouge (1908: 156) gave one of the first description of the larva.
Marseul (1875) in a short note (“Mélanges”, L’Abeille, 15, 6: 22-24), relates the macabre story of a individual that, pierced by a pin, survived for 18 months, feeding himself voraciously during the entire time.
![]() (Fabricius, 1775) Islas Canarias: S.ta Cruz Tenerife, cote sd., 3.XII.61, Rabaron |
![]() (Fabricius, 1775) Maroc: Kenitra, V.1975, Olivella |
![]() (Fabricius, 1775) Italia: Lazio, Roma, Maccarese, 15.X.92, Bruschi |
![]() (Fabricius, 1775) Austria: bei Wien, Laaerberg, 28.VIII.55, Baldia lgt. |
![]() (Fabricius, 1775) Turkey: near Incekum, VI.2000, Werner & Lizler leg. (coll. Vigna Taglianti) |
![]() (Fabricius, 1775) Iran: Bushire (coll. Museo Civico di Zoologia di Roma) |
![]() (Fabricius, 1775) sub Calosoma (Callistriga) iranicum; Iran zum Western der Balouchistan (coll. Naturhistorischen Museum, Basel - ex coll Mandl) |
![]() (Fabricius, 1775) type of Campalita tanganyicae "Afrique orientale allemande"!? (coll. Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris) |
Calosoma (Campalita) maderae dsungaricum Gebler, 1833
Calosoma dsungaricum Gebler, 1833: 274 (distribution inferred from the title of the work: Western Siberie); original material: unspecified number of specimens; no repository given.
Calosoma laeviusculum Motschoulsky, 1844: 122 (described from: Saisan Nor); original material: unspecified number of specimens, no repository given.
Calosoma turcomannica Motschoulsky, 1844: 123 (described from: Novo-Aleksandrowsk); original material: unspecified number of specimens, no repository given.
Calosoma parallelum Motschoulsky, 1844: 123 (described from: Saisan Nor); original material: unspecified number of specimens, no repository given.
Calosoma (Callistriga) maderae dsungaricum Breuning, 1927: 214
Campalita auropunctata alaiensis Lapouge, 1930: 85 (described from Alai, Ispajran = Isfara) syntypes in Senckenberg Deutsches Entomologisches Institut, Müncheberg (Döbler 1975: 102)
Campalita auropunctata serica Lapouge, 1930: 86 (distribution: “ancien pays des Sères” = Xinjiang); original material: unspecified number of specimens, no repository given.
Campalita auropunctata soongarica Lapouge, 1930: 94 (Gebler); distribution: Irtysh upper river basin.
Campalita auropunctata afgana Lapouge, 1930: 94 (described from: Paghman hills north of Kabul); original material: unspecified number of specimens, no repository given.
Campalita auropunctatum dsungaricum Jeannel, 1940: 113
Length 20-28 mm We chose to consider as C. maderae dsungaricum a cluster of populations characterized by the morphology of the elytral sculpture in which intervals are convex, strongly scaly and regularly aligned, always of triploid type. This morphology appears here and there, more or less evident, even in some individual of the eastern populations of C. maderae , but it is always well defined and constant in the populations of C. maderae dsungaricum.
This was also interpretation proposed by Breuning (1927: 214). On the contrary, Jeannel (1940: 113) considered dsungaricum a subspecies of auropunctatum and included in his definition the populations of the Balkan and Eastern Europe which, as we said above, have a more weak and not constant tendency towards triploid elytral sculpture.
C. maderae dsungaricum, according to our definition, occupies the central Asia including the Russian region of Lower Volga, northern Xinjiang (China), in continuity with the populations of Kazakhstan, up to Mongolia. Toward south it almost reaches the base of the Himalayan massif, in Afghanistan
Examined specimens and literature’s data
Afghanistan. Kabul: Kabul (AVT); Bamian (SB), Paghman mts (sub dsungaricum Breuning, 1927: 214), Darufulun near Kabul 1800 m, Surobi on the Kabul river 900m. (Mandl, 1955: 325); Badakhshan: Sarekanda 2800m, Shiva high steppe, 2800 m (Mandl, 1955: 325), Kandahar: Kandahar 950m (Mandl, 1955: 325); Parwan: Ghorband 1900m (Mandl, 1955: 325), Bagram env (SB)
China. Xinjiang: Ili pref: Yining (Kuldsha) (sub Calosoma auropunctatum; Ballion, 1878: 266), Nilka (AVT); Kashgar pref: Aksu river valley (sub auropunctatum serica, Lapouge, 1930: 86), Changji Hui pref. (; Hami pref: Karlik Tagh range (AC, SB); Bayin'gholin pref: Lop Nor (Lop Nur) (Breuning, 1927: 214).
Kazakhstan. Mangistau Region: Novo-Aleksandrovsk (sub C. turcomannica, Motschoulsky, 1844: 123); Semipalatinsk, Saisan Nor (sub C. parallelum, Motschoulsky, 1844: 123); Astana (SB); Almati prov.Taugum desert 440m,(SB); Tshatcal mountains (SB), Talass Ala Tau, Aksu Dzhabagly (SB), Aksej-Karačagenek (SB); Uralsk (Breuning, 1927: 214), Taryn (DP); Aktolagai (; Ketmeni pass 2100.2700m (; Irtysh upper river basin (sub auropunctata soongarica Lapouge, 1930: 94); Barsakelmes Natura Reserve (; West Kazakhstan: Botkul lake (TL).
Kyrgyzstan. W. Tian-Shan, Pskemskyi Mts. (SB), Transalai Mt. Range, Bugu river valley (http://www.ebay /); Jalal-Abad: Bazar-Korgon (; Chüy: Kashka Suu (
Mongolia. Gobi-Altai aimak: Alag-Nur Lake (SB)
Pakistan. Balochistan: Quetta (SB), Noshki (, Khuzdar (SB), Sibi (AVT); Punjab: Rahimyar Khan (; Khairpur, Shikarpur, Sukkur, Nausheroferoz (Sahito et al., 2021: 1648).
Russia. Astrakhan (Breuning, 1927: 214), Astrachan' oblast: 70 km S. Astrachan' (SB); Orenburg oblast: Akbulak (SB); Volgograd oblast, Lake Elton (Matalin & Makarov, 2011); Permskaya oblast: Vilgort (sub auropunctatum,; Saratov oblast: Saratov distr., Novoburas distr, Tatishevsky distr., (sub auropunctatum, Sazhnev, 2007: 350), Nyzhnyaya Chernavka (, Daghestan (coll. Y. Talibov)
Tajikistan. West Pamir, Tadjikabad (AVT); Tojikobod distr., 2500m. (SB); Ezgan (sub auropunctatum,; Boukharie Est (SB)); northern Alai, Ispajran = Isfara (sub auropunctata alaiensis Lapouge, 1930: 85).
Turkmenistan. Ashkhabad (sub maderae tectum Breuning, 1927: 215), Kopetdagh (Kryzhanovsky & Atamuradov, 1994: 416)
Uzbekistan. Ghissar (Hissar) range (EM); Ljutfabad (sub maderae tectum Breuning, 1927: 215); Khorezm reg., Karakapakstan rep. (Khamraev, 2003: 47): South Aral Sea (; Bukhara: Jongeldi (
Notes: Nocturnal, winged. Active individuals were captured from May to September
![]() Gebler, 1833 Pakistan: Balochistan, Khuzdar, 23.VII.2009, Muhammad Akter |
![]() Gebler, 1833 Kazachistan: Aksej-Karačagenek, VI.88, Čermék leg. |
Calosoma (Campalita) maderae indicum Hope, 1831
Calosoma indicum Hope, 1831: 24 (type locality: Nepaul) type material: not stated, description compatible with one specimen only, originally in coll. Hardwicke, presumably lost (Andrewes, 1919: 171).
Calosoma nigrum Parry, 1845: 85 (described of Assam, Kasya Hills) type material: not stated, description compatible with one specimen only, at present lost (Andrewes, 1929: 69)
Calosoma scabripenne Chaudoir, 1869: 371 (described from Nord de l'Hindoustan) lectotype ♂ designated by Deuve (1978: 249) in Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris [examined]
Calosoma (Callistriga) maderae indicum Breuning, 1927: 215
Calosoma (Callistriga) maderae nivale Breuning, 1927: 216 (type locality: Pir Panjal); holotype ♂ in Naturalis Biodiversity Centre, Leiden (de Boer, 2002: 84)
Calosoma (Callistriga) maderae kashmirense Breuning, 1927: 216 (type locality: Lahoul, Sumdeo); holotype ♂ in Naturalis Biodiversity Centre, Leiden (de Boer, 2002: 63)
Campalita chinensis nivicola Lapouge, 1930: 87 (distribution: “cimes du Chachemire”) original material: unspecified number of specimens, no repository given.
Campalita auropunctatum kashmirense Jeannel, 1940: 113
Campalita indicum Jeannel, 1940: 115
Calosoma (Callistriga) chinense densegranulatum Mandl, 1954: 161 (type locality: Ost-Turkestan, Khotan Geb.); holotype ♀ in Naturhistorischen Museum Wien (ex coll. Hauser)
Calosoma sculpturi Hasmi et al., 2005: 268 (type locality: Pakistan, Devsai, Northern areas); holotype ♂ in coll. Kamaluddin
Calosoma stratum Hashmi et al., 2005: 270 (type locality: Pakistan, Northern areas); holotype ♂ in coll. Kamaluddin
Calosoma (Campalita) maderae indicum Bruschi & Vigna Taglianti 2012: 205
Length 15-22 mm. In the various populations we include in C. maderae indicum the elytral sculpture pattern goes from triploid to pentaploid by doubling the tertiary intervals. All the intervals are deeply imbricated and tend to break into a rugose surface where only fine striae are still visible. At the extreme of this evolution, the intervals are entirely transformed into a granular surface whose granules are more or less aligned in series. In any case, the space beyond the third primary and the apical fourth of elytra (series umbilicata) has a rugged and wrinkled surface. because of the presence of numerous minute granules. The colour is dark bronze or, sometimes, light bronze with metallic lustre.
Within these populations, some main morphotypes, possibly influenced by the microclimate and the ecological conditions of the high-altitude habitat, can be identified.
The populations that are found at higher altitude in Pakistan and northern India maintain a unmistakable triploid pattern of elytral sculpture, but the intervals are deeply tegulate and tend to dissolve into a rugose surface. These populations are also slightly differentiated by their smaller size and in most cases they show a dark bronze colour (nivale and kashmirense auct.). According to Breuning (1927: 216), the Tibetan specimens cited by Roeschke (1900: 60) should also be attributed to these populations.
Instead, the populations that live in the hills and medium altitude mountain ranges between Afghanistan and northern Pakistan have mostly a grainy elytral sculpture with a pattern of pentaploid type. These populations were identified by Mandl (1955: 325) as densegranulatum, previously described by him from southwestern Xinjiang (1954: 161)..
Finally, in the populations living in northern India and Nepal the intervals have become series of more or less aligned rough granules (indicum auct.).
As already noted by Roeschke (1900: 60), these series of variation in elytral sculpture among, and sometime inside of, the populations of C. maderae indicum seem to represent intermediate steps in the evolutionary process that apparently occurred in the Himalayan species of Campalita, ending into the complete dissolution of sculpture in the easternmost related species (C. chinense).
C. maderae indicum has long been known from various places along the western side of Himalaya, from Afghanistan, Pakistan, Northern India up to Nepal and towards south down to the Indian State of Meghalaya and further south to the Karnataka State from where it has been subsequently cited (Kumar & Rajagopal, 1996: 611). On the basis of old captures it is supposed to be also present along the eastern side of Himalaya, in China, in south-western Xinjiang and north-western Xizang (Tibet). Finally, one specimen has been recently observed and photographed at the Hlawga National Park in Myanmar, thus unexpectedly expanding the known distribution area of this subspecies towards east.
Examined specimens and literature’s data
Afghanistan. Nuristan: Bashgul valley 1100m. (sub densegranulatum; AVT, NMB), Bashgul valley 1200m (sub dsungaricum Mandl, 1955: 325), 2700 m, Apsai 2000m, Kamu 1500m (sub densegranulatum, Mandl, 1955: 325); Nangarhar: Darūnṭa, Laghman, Jalalabad (sub densegranulatum; Mandl, 1968: 158)
China. Xizang (Tibet) (Roeschke, 1900: 60): Garyarsa (Gartok) (sub Campalita chinensis nivicola, Lapouge, 1930: 88); Xinjiang: Khotan (Hotan) (type of chinense densegranulatum, NMW)
India. Bihar: Pusa, Chapra (sub maderae indicum Andrewes, 1929: 62), Bhagalpur (; Delhi: New Delhi city (; Himachal Pradesh: Lahaul Sumdei (type maderae kasmirense, Breuning, 1927: 216; sub maderae auropunctatum Andrewes, 1929: 59), Lahaul Chatru (AVT, GP, SB, MNHN), Rohtang valley (sub maderae auropunctatum Andrewes, 1929: 59), Poo (MCZR), Kulu (Kullu) (sub maderae auropunctatum Andrewes, 1929: 59; sub maderae kasmirense Andrewes, 1929: 60; sub maderae indicum Andrewes, 1929: 62) (NMB), Spiti (MNHN), Chamba distr. (sub maderae auropunctatum Andrewes, 1929: 59) (AVT), Palampur, Naggar, Burwa (, Kangra valley, Bajaura (sub maderae indicum Andrewes, 1929: 62); Jammu and Kashmir: Sissu (AC), Shrinagar (AC, AVT, VV), Pahlgam (EM, NMP, SB), Ladakh (Breuning, 1927: 216), Pir Panjal (paratype indicum nivale, NMB), Lidarwat (NMP), Sonamarg (sub maderae auropunctatum; Andrewes, 1929: 59) (AVT), Thajiwas glacier (, Aru (AC, NMP, SB); Meghalaya: Khasi (Kasya) Hills (type nigrum, Parry, 1845: 85); Punjab: Amritsar (; Rajasthan: Ganganagar (; Uttarakhand: Bashar (Breuning, 1927: 216), Dehra Dun (sub maderae indicum Andrewes, 1929: 62), Chakrata (sub maderae auropunctatum Andrewes, 1929: 59)), Bhikampur, Khatima, Kishanpur, Jhankat, Chamoli, Nagala, Udham Singh Nagar (; Uttar Pradesh: Hardoi (; Western Bengala: Calcutta (sub maderae indicum Andrewes, 1929: 62), Kurseong (
Myanmar. Yangon: Hlawga National Park (
Nepal. Bagmati: Nagarkot (SB), Katmandu (EM), southern Kathmandu Valley, Mount Polchowki (, Hetauda (; Narayani: Gunganagar (JS), Aru (AC), Mangalpur, Rampur (; Seti: Tikapur (
Pakistan. Federally Administred Tribal Area: Khaar (SB); Gilgit Baltistan: Skardu (AVT, SB), Deosai (NIM), Chilas (NIM), Gilgat River (SB), Gilgit, Satil (Mandl 1961: 36); Islamabad: Rawal Lake (AVT); Khyber Pakhtunkhwa: Swat valley (AC, AVT, SB), Mingora (AVT, SB), Kagan valley (AC, AVT, EM, GP, SB), Naran (SB, TL), Kalam (SB), Peshawar (AVT, MNHN, SB), Temergara (AVT), Shringal (AVT), Tarai (AVT), Ayun (AVT), Daggar (AVT), Chakdara (AVT) Chitral (SB), Kohat (NIM), Janshai meadow, Malakand, Hazara (; Punjab: Bashna (SB), Bahawalpur (NIM), Anjum (NIM), Chak Bedi Khurd, Amritsar, Faisalabad (; Sindh: Tharparkar (SB); Tarai (AVT), Mithi (NIM).
Notes: Mostly nocturnal, winged, attracted to light at night. Lives in pastures and tilled fields, preying on caterpillars of moths of the Noctuidae family (Andrewes, 1929: 62). Active individuals were captured just before and during the rainy season typical of the himalayan foothills, from March to August. In the alpine zone the adult individuals take refuge on daytime under stones where they are often associated with Tenebrionidae. In this habitat they are found from July to September and some time hibernating under snow (Mani 1962:188). The larval stages seem to be more tolerant of low temperature and remain active until the fall of snow, possibly up to November.
The description of the larva can be found in Fletcher (1919: 33).
![]() Hope, 1831 Afghanistan: Achmede Dewanw, 1100m Bashgul tal, Nuristan, J.Klapperich, 7.4.53 (Calosoma (Callistriga) chinense densegranulatum); (coll. Naturhistorischen Museum, Basel) |
![]() Hope, 1831 Afghanistan: Achmede Dewanw, 2700m Bashgul tal, Nuristan, J.Klapperich, 25.7.52 (Calosoma (Callistriga) chinense densegranulatum); (coll. Vigna Taglianti) |
![]() Hope, 1831 Pakistan: Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Swat valley, Mingora, 24.6.2009, Muhammad Akter |
![]() Hope, 1831 Pakistan: Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Swat valley, Mingora, 24.6.2009, Muhammad Akter |
![]() Hope, 1831 Pakistan: Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Swat valley, Mingora, 07.6.2008, Muhammad Akter |
![]() Hope, 1831 Pakistan: Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Kagan valley, 2300-2750 m., 24.7.78 |
![]() Hope, 1831 India: Himachal Pradesh, Lahaul Chatru 3200 m., 8.9.1993 Lassalle lgt. (coll. Pontuale) |
![]() Hope, 1831 India: Jammu and Kashmir, Pir Panjal (paratype of Calosoma (Callistriga) maderae nivale) (coll. Naturhistorischen Museum, Basel) |
![]() Hope, 1831 India: Himachal Pradesh, Kolu 1250m, 10.V.77, Wittmer & Brancucci lgt. (coll. Naturhistorischen Museum, Basel) |
![]() Hope, 1831 Nepal: Nagarkot 1800m., 3.VI.1990 Bruschi lgt. |