Calosoma (Carabomimus) costipenne Chaudoir, 1869

Calosoma costipenne Chaudoir, 1869: 375 (type material: 1 ♂, ex coll. Sallé, from Mexico); holotype ♂ (no locality label) designated by Deuve (1978: 251) by monotypy in Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris [examined]
Calosoma (Blaptosoma) striatulum costipenne Breuning, 1928: 49
Blaptosoma (Carabomimus) costipennis Lapouge, 1932: 391
Carabomimus costipennis Jeannel, 1940: 228
Calosoma (Carabomimus) costipenne Gidaspow, 1959: 294
Carabomimus costipennis isabellae Lassalle & van den Berghe, 2011b: 298 (type locality: Pachuga, massif du Zoquiapan); holotype ♂ in coll. Lassalle, paratypes in coll. Lassalle and in coll. van den Berghe

Length 15-18 mm. costipenne, as striatulum, is characterized by the apex of penis with a hatched ledge, in this case weakly pronounced. However costipenne can be easily recognized because of its pronotum with almost parallel sides, and because of the unique sculpture of each elytron that consists in seven elevated ribs, corresponding to primary and secondary intervals, while, of the tertiary ones, only remain rough grains. Lassalle & van den Berghe (2011b: 298) recently described some individuals with well shaped tertiary intervals (Carabomimus costipennis isabellae), which however are not uncommon, mixed with normal individuals within a single population.
costipenne has been found in few eastern localities of Mexico and in some bordering localities of Hidalgo, but Gidaspow (1959: 294) also cites it, with no further details, from Guerrero, where its presence is very dubious.

Examined specimens and literature’s data
Mexico. Mexico (holotype; MNHN); Mexico: Rio Frio, 3200 m (AVT, EM, SB); Hidalgo: El Chico P.N., Pachuca (Gidaspow, 1959: 294), massif du Zoquiapan, Pachuca (type of costipennis isabellae Lassalle & van den Berghe, 2011b: 298)

Notes: Brachypterous. It lives on pastures and tilled field, sometime on fringe of woodlands but never inside them. It is nocturnal and, in daytime, it seeks shelter under stones and debris. Adults were collected in May on very wet ground and in cloudy days.

Calosoma (Carabomimus) costipenne
Chaudoir, 1869
Mexico (holotype)
(coll. Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris)
Calosoma (Carabomimus) costipenne
Chaudoir, 1869
Mexico: between Ciudad de Mexico and Tuxmelucan,
Rio Frio, m 3200, 16.V.1980, S. Bruschi leg.
Calosoma (Carabomimus) costipenne
Chaudoir, 1869
Mexico: between Ciudad de Mexico and Tuxmelucan,
Rio Frio, m 3200, 16.V.1980, S. Bruschi leg.

updated January 6 2021
