Calosoma (Ctenosta) planicolle Chaudoir, 1869

Calosoma planicolle Chaudoir, 1869: 369 (description compatible with one specimen only, from: Zambéze); holotype ♀ designated by Deuve (1978: 250) by monotipy in Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris [examined]
Calosoma procerum Harold, 1881: 260 (described from: “Taita und Ukamba”, as taken from the title of the publication) original material and depository not stated
Calosoma (Ctenosta) planicolle Breuning, 1927: 188
Ctenosta planicolle Jeannel, 1940: 130

Length 30-40 mm. The sculpture of the elytra in this species, as it happens in C. senegalense, is characterized by the tertiary intervals that are more elevated than the others (heterodynamic sculpture) and deeply incised. The primary and secondary ones instead consist of rough grains.
However, despite a superficial likeness with C. senegalense, C. planicolle can be recognized because of the glossy black color of the upper body with foveae of the primaries of the same color, the larger dimensions and, any way, examinig the metatrochanters that have a rounded tip in both sexes.
C. planicolle can be found in most sub-Saharan African countries from Niger to the horn of Africa, including Madagascar.

Examined specimens and literature’s data
Angola. Benguela (NMP); Galinda (RMCA); Huila: Quipungo ( ), Lubango (; Luanda (Serrano & al., 2017: 205); Malanje: Cacuso (
Botswana. Ngamiland district, NE of Maun, Tamalakane lodge, Borolong Ward (; Serowe, Gaborone, Tutume, Francistown, Selinda Reserve (
Republic of Congo (Brazzaville). Konkouati reserve (
Democratic Republic of Congo. Kasai, Lubudi (RMCA); Shaba, Lubumbashi (RMCA); Likasi (RMCA); Mutaka (RMCA)
Ethiopia. Hararge: Harar (RMCA), Erer (Rougemont, 1976: 248); Shewa, Awash nat.park (SB);.Sidamo: El Banno (= Tertale) (AVT); Moyale (Müller, 1939: 179), N W Neghelli (Rougemont, 1976: 249).
Kenya. Western region: Kakamega forest (SB); Nairobi (Jeannel 1940: 129); Coast region: SW of Voi (SB), Kilifi (, Tsavo National Park (; Eastern region: Kitui (Sosoma) (Häckel et al, 2016: 13), Meru National Park (, Makueni (Mtito Andei) (Häckel et al, 2016: 13).
Lesotho. (Häckel et al, 2016: 14)
Madagascar. Madagascar (EM), Toliara distr. (
Malawi. Chisasira (=Chinteche) (RMCA); between Chelinda and Rumphi, 1700m. (Basilewsky, 1984: 628); Blantyre: Michiru (; Kgalagadi NP: Nossob (
Moçambique. Maputo: Boane (SB), Barragem de Corumane (SB); Cabo Delgado: Pemba (SB); Gorongosa (RMCA); Sofala: Caia (, Manica env. (SB)
Namibia. Etosha: Namutoni (, Mokuti Lodge ( ; Hardap Region: Maltahohe 1350m (Ebay); Kavango reg: Okavango river, Rundu, 1050m (Häckel et al, 2016: 13), Bagani-Popa Falls (Häckel et al, 2016: 13), Divundu (, Shamwura camp (Ebay); Karas reg: 10Km S Warmfontein (SB); Khomas reg: Windhoek (; Omaheke: Gobabis (; Oshana reg: Toshari Lodge (TL); Zambesi reg: Katima Mulilo (
Nigeria. Lagos: Imota (SB)
Somalia. Lower Shebeli: Mogadishu (EM, SB, TL); Afgoi (AVT, EM, SB); Abarei (AVT, SB); 100 km S Kisimayo (TL)
South Africa. northern Transvaal (; KwaZulu-Natal: Durban, Berea (; Mpumalanga: Lower Sabie Campsite (, Kgalagadi NP: Nossob., Marloth Park (; North West Province: Vryburg (; Limpopo: Modimolle, Waterberg, Kruger NP (Punda Maria Camp) (, Thabazimbi (SB); Northern Cape: Namakwa, Hotazei
Swaziland. Manzini: Mkhiweni (
Tanzania. Deutsch Östafrica (EM); Manyara: Hydom (; Morogoro: Turiani (SB), Mikumi National Park (SB) (; Pwani: Sadani (; Kilimanjaro, Kilimatinde (Breuning, 1927: 189), Usangu (Breuning, 1928b: 96), Lukuleli (Masasi distr.) (Jeannel 1940: 129), Lindi (Jeannel 1940: 129), Tura (Jeannel 1940: 129); Mara: Serengeti (; Iringa: Nyangano (; Geita: Igulwa (
Togo. Badou (http://www.ebay/)
Zambia. Zambéze (type (?) MNHN); Kafue River (EM); Mweru (RMCA); Southern Prov., Victoria Falls (Häckel et al, 2016: 13), Siavonga, Lotri Bay (; Eastern prov. Chipata (http://www.ebay /); Lusaka, Lazy J Ranch (
Zimbabwe. Harare, Mutare, Gweru, Umvuma, Plumtree (O’Neil, 1920: 53); Midlands: Kwekwe (Häckel et al, 2016: 14), Hwange NP, Sebakwe (; Matabeleland: 60 km N of Bulawayo (Häckel et al, 2016: 14), near Victoria Falls (; Masvingo: 95 km NE Beitbridge (Häckel et al, 2016: 14), Chiredzi (, Gwanda (; Mashonaland. Mazoe (

Notes: Winged, attracted to light at night. The specimens examined were captured during the raining seasons that characterize the monsoon climate, in east Africa from April to June and in southern Africa from October to January.

Calosoma (Ctenosta) planicolle
Chaudoir, 1869
Zambéze (holotype)
(coll. Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris)
Calosoma (Ctenosta) planicolle
Chaudoir, 1869
Somalia: Lower Shebeli, Abarei, Lake Joware,
13-14.V.1988, Bruschi & Vigna
Calosoma (Ctenosta) planicolle
Chaudoir, 1869
Somalia: Lower Shebeli, Abarei, Lake Joware,
13-14.V.1988, Bruschi & Vigna

updated January 20 2025
